Stephanie Nosco

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Trust Lives in the Spleen

Virtues of the Yi Spirit

The Spleen Spirit is called the Yi.

Related to the earth element, the yi is the humble spirit that generates our intentions that lead to actionable steps to "grow" our dreams and visions.

The Yi is the spirit that rolls up its sleeves and puts its hands in the dirt of life. Without over thinking, it does what needs to be done to serve the heart's values, and the liver's dreams.

It trusts that if it keeps showing up, watering and weeding the garden, that something will grow.

When the Yi is disturbed, intentions get distorted by over thinking, and rumination.

Thinking without following through on an action, knots the qi, resulting in worry.

Trapped in worry, we stop trusting ourselves and might question whether we are enough. We might even feel frozen, unsure of what the next step is to take in our life.

Thus, our “harvest" becomes thin. When we do grow something beautiful, we fail to appreciate it, because we are already worried about what is coming next. We are never truly “nourished” by our life.

How to support the Yi:

  1. Make a manageable "to do" list. Follow through on your list, checking things off in small, "bite-sized" tasks.

  2. If you doubt yourself, look at the evidence you have for and against your concerns. Are your worries rational? Write down or tell a friend why your worries may or may not be true. If there is something you can do about what you are worried about, DO IT (see point one).

  3. Take breaks from consuming information: television, books, media. Just BE. This gives the Yi time to "digest" and integrate.

  4. Most importantly: When you complete a task, or notice that something you have dreamt about has become a reality in your life TAKE THE TIME TO APPRECIATE IT!  Bask in your accomplishments, no matter how small, before moving on to the next thing.