Five Spirits Mantras and Protection Meditation


As we journey through the Five Spirits I wanted to share these simple mantras. They have come out of my own practice as a distillation of the essence of the spirit energy of each organ. If they resonate with you, I hope you can invite them into your practice in some way. I will be continuing to share more in depth about each of the Five Spirits, so stayed tuned for more.


Shen/Heart: “I am”

This mantra reminds us that the heart is the home to our innate goodness. The heart reminds us that we are inherently perfect and connected to everything in existence. The heart is the light. We are the light. ⁣


Hun/Liver: “I care.”

This mantra reminds us that the liver is the home to our conscience. The liver knows the difference between right and wrong and can see past our tunnel vision of self-centredness. It lends us our ability to be fiercely compassionate and to stand up for what we believe in. This mantra also alludes to the planning and vision we need to help manifest what we care about most in our life! ⁣


Yi/Spleen: “I intend.”

“I intend.” This mantra reminds us that our life rests on the tip of intention. What we intend (through our thoughts) will take root and grow into actions. Those actions will make up our life. The Yi is all about living an intentional life.


Po/Lung: “I flow.”

The Po is the spirit that reminds us that life is messy. Being in a human body, in a material world means there is no escaping the truth of change. There is no escaping, birth, old age, sickness and death. The po reminds us to let go and flow with those changes.


Zhi/Kidneys: “I will.”

The kidneys provide us the essence energy to manifest our dreams into this physical dimension. What we manifest, however, must be in alignment with our Tao (purpose) in order to be sustainable. The quality that arises out of this will, versus the ego’s will, is wisdom. ⁣

Below you will find the meditation I recorded as a protection for the New Year. With the Spring Equinox arriving, this is another great time to practice this meditation.

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Interested in diving deeper? I’m offering an online Yin Yoga Teacher Training that further explores these topics this April.


The Hun - Spirit of the Liver


Beyond Meridians: Understanding Qi from the Inside Out