Hope Lives in the Liver

Virtues of the Hun Spirits


The Liver Spirit is called the HUN

As a "messenger from heaven" the hun is responsible for our dreams, visions, ideas inspiration and aspirations.

Related to the wood element, and the season spring, the Hun keeps us in a constant state of growth. It allows us to see new possibilities actualize our potential.

When we lose sight of new possibilities we lose hope. Loss of visioning equates a hun disturbance, which can show up as depression (hopelessness).

Keeping hope does not mean waiting around until we get what we want. Rather, it is a state of being that recognizes the potential within uncertainty, and our hearts capacity to stay open and respond creatively.

Ways to Nourish the Hun & Hope

  1. Exercise your imagination. Write down your night and day dreams.

  2. Take time to be creative. Do art, write, sing, or start a new project.

  3. Stop saying "I can't." Instead, say "I want to, but I don't know how."

  4. Be compassionate to yourself. Especially when you feel like you have failed. Remember that failures are part of growth. No Failure is final.

  5. Do not look for hope in the news. Read biographies and follow people who inspire you. If goodness exists in others, it can also exist in you <3


Truth Lives in the Heart


Yin Energy Rises